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The Department of Civil Procedural and Economic Procedural Law of Tashkent State Law University in cooperation with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) within the framework of a joint USAID project "Rule of Law Partnership in Uzbekistan" is organizing a competition to analyze judicial acts published on the website of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The competition, which is held to determine the knowledge, abilities, practical skills of students, to promote students' extensive use of electronic means of justice, as well as to encourage legal personnel capable of meeting modern international standards and the requirements of the democratic and legal reforms undertaken in the country, can be attended by students of 2-4 years at Tashkent State University of Law and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

The contest is held in two stages. 
In the first stage (from January 20 to March 20) participants of the contest submit their works on the analysis of judicial acts, published on the web-site of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan in paper or electronic form to the contest commission.

In the second stage (from March 20 to April 20) works, presented by the participants of the competition are studied and evaluated by the competition commission, and the participants, who scored high points, are determined.

When evaluating the participants, attention will be paid to the correct application of legal terms, the level of use of relevant normative legal acts and decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientific and practical justification of the opinions presented, compliance with professional and moral and ethical rules (plagiarism, falsification of data, inadmissibility of false quotations), correct classification of judicial acts by type of legal proceedings.

The title page of the submitted works should indicate the name of the higher educational institution, full name of the participant of the competition, phone number, course and the name of the court on the analyzed documents (civil, economic, administrative and criminal court). The text of the analytical material shall be executed with the use of the Word program, font Times New Roman, 14 font size, line interval - 1.5, each page shall be numbered, portrait orientation, top and bottom margin - 2 cm, right margin - 1,5 cm, left margin - 3 cm, the volume of the submitted work shall be not less than 2000 (two thousand) words, the analyzed documents on the court decisions, published on the Supreme Court website, case sequence number, case type, date of consideration shall be indicated in the end of the work. At least 30 (for the 3rd place), 40 (for the 2nd place), 50 (for the 1st place) judicial acts must be studied in the analysis.
Papers that do not meet the established requirements, where plagiarism is allowed, the author is not listed, as well as papers submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
Winners will be determined on the basis of points scored based on the analysis of court papers in each area (civil, economic, administrative and criminal). The submissions will be evaluated on a 100-point scale.
Winners will be awarded the following prizes:
1st place - a state-of-the-art laptop; 
2nd place - Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet;
3rd place - an external storage device (1tb).
The winners of the contest will be announced in May.
Our address and contacts: Tashkent State Juridical University, building 2, office 209. 35, Sayilgoh street, Tashkent. Phones: (+99871) 2336636 (1178); (+99890) 328-42-09; (+99897) 769-18-23; (+99890) 124-16-00; (+99897) 755-40-89; (+99897) 757-74-32; (D. Khabibullaev, A. Khakberdiev, G. Mamaraimova, O. Pirmatov, A. Khairulin),



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