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Tashkent State University of Law

About the University

Tashkent State Law University (TSUU) is the main higher and scientific and methodological institution in Uzbekistan for the training of legal personnel.

Educational process

The University, as an independent educational and research institution, actively applies new pedagogical technologies in the educational process, conducts fundamental and scientific research on topical issues of legislation and its application, as well as legal regulation in society, carries out a wide range of spiritual and educational activities aimed at raising awareness and legal culture.

Tashkent State Law University trains specialists at the level of bachelor's, master's, doctoral students and independent applicants.

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 29,
2020 UP-5987 "On additional measures to radically improve legal education and science in the Republic of Uzbekistan", the organizational structure of the Tashkent State Law University was revised and new faculties and structural divisions were created.

Currently, there are 4 faculties operating at the Tashkent State Law University:

1. public law;

2. criminal justice;

3. private law;

4. International law and comparative law.

These faculties have departments of constitutional law, administrative and financial law, court, law enforcement and advocacy, Criminology and forensic science, as well as a Center for the Study of Japanese Law, a Center for the Study of German Law and Comparative Law.

The university has 19 departments. The scientific potential of the university is 43%. Measures are being taken to increase the scientific potential to at least 70% by supporting research over the next 5 years.

For your reference: Today, the university has 279 professors and teachers, including 33 Doctors of Science( DSc), 82 candidates of Science (including 29 doctors of Philosophy (PhD)), 23 of them have degrees and titles of professor, 42 – associate professor.

The educational process at the university is based on the credit-modular system, which is new in our country. In addition, the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) has been introduced into the process, providing students with the opportunity to choose subjects.

Starting from the 2020/2021 academic year, the university provides remote admission to bachelor's and master's degrees.

Tashkent State Law University provides training in the following specialties of the master's degree (the duration of training is 1 year):

1. legal practice

2. international arbitration and dispute resolution;

3. sports law;

4. the law of public administration;

5. business law;

6. labor law;

7. theory and practice of criminal law application;

8. Intellectual property and information technology law.

Currently, the Tashkent State Law University has 4,426 undergraduate students and 269 graduate students.

Classes at TSUL are conducted in Uzbek, Russian and English.

The University also has a Center for professional training of legal personnel in accordance with international standards, a specialized branch of the University for the training and Retraining of preventive Inspectors, and an academic lyceum.

In addition, the university coordinates the activities of the legal technical schools of the Ministry of Justice, established in each region of the country.

In 2020, the university launched the E-University platform, which provides for the digitization of the educational process, including the formation of schedules, exams, grades, student ratings and the transition to electronic document exchange. This platform allows students and their parents, the general public to control and directly participate in all processes related to the activities of the university, and also ensures the openness and transparency of the processes.

Prevention and fight against corruption is one of the main tasks of the university. In this regard, the university has adopted an Anti-Corruption Program. An Anti-corruption commission has been established. A code of ethics was also developed. Mechanisms are being implemented to create a feedback system to obtain information about corruption, to conduct systematic surveys of students on corruption issues and take practical measures based on their results, as well as to exercise public control over the examination process.


International activities

TSUL is rapidly expanding its horizons in the international arena. To date, the university has established cooperation with more than 50 universities in the near and far abroad countries, as well as cooperates with international organizations and representative offices, such as WIPO, USAID, GIZ, and implements projects in a number of areas.

The University implements joint educational programs aimed at awarding a "double diploma".

Within the framework of joint educational programs, an agreement was reached with the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics to establish a joint faculty located on the territory of this university in the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as with the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University (Republic of Belarus) on the training of bachelors in private international law and M. S. Narikbayev KAZGUU (Republic of Kazakhstan) on the training of bachelors in international economic law. Agreements were also reached on the creation of joint bachelor's degree programs with the East China University of Political Science and Law, and joint master's degree programs with the Universities of Mikolas Romeris (Lithuania) and Queen Mary (Great Britain).

Tashkent State University has become a full member of the International Association of Universities( IAU), the International Association of Law Schools (IALS), the European Association of Law Faculties (ELFA), the Grand Charter of Universities (Magna Charter) and the European Association of Higher Education Institutions (EURASHE).

Students of the university take an active part in international competitions such as Willem C. Vis Moot Arbitration, Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.

The University actively cooperates with leading law firms. Among them are White&Case, Foley Hoag, Dentons, Sidley Austin, Vinson & Elkins, Willkie Farr&Gallagher.