Membership in international associations
Tashkent State
University of Law is a fully-fledged member of these associations:
§ International Association of Universities (IAU)
§ International Association of Law Schools (IALS)
§ European Law Faculties Association (ELFA)
§ Observatory Magna Charta Universitatum
§ European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE)
1. Founded in 1950, under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Association of Universities (IAU) is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organizations from around the world. IAU brings together its Members from more than 130 countries for reflection and action on common priorities. It acts as the global voice of higher education to UNESCO and other international higher education organizations, and provides a global forum for leaders of institutions and associations. Its services are available on the priority basis to Members but also to organisations, institutions and authorities concerned with higher education, as well as to individual policy and decision-makers, specialists, administrators, teachers, researchers and students. Tashkent State University of Law is the only university in Uzbekistan that has been accepted as a member of this association. The International Association of Law Schools (IALS) is an association of more than 160 law schools and departments from over 55 countries representing more than 7,500 law faculty members. Our primary mission is the improvement of legal education throughout the world. The idea for an international association of law schools emerged from several meetings of legal educators from around the world who recognized the growing inter-relationship of norms from transnational legal systems.
Meetings, forums, conferences
and workshops organized by IALS aim to ensure that all voices of our worldwide
community of law teachers be heard and respected.
3. ELFA has today more than 150 Members encompassing forty-nine countries and four continents. Law Faculties in Europe and beyond know that ELFA is a unique forum for the discussion and coordination of legal education and research as well as to the exchange of views and of good practices among its members. The Magna Charta Universitatum has been signed by 904 Universities from 88 Countries. The Observatory undertakes its work to ensure the integrity of intellectual and scientific work in Institutions and society, thus reinforcing trust in relationship between universities and their communities, be they local, regional, national or global.
Membership in the Magna
Charta Universitatum is another important step in improving the quality of
legal education in Uzbekistan. The activities of the association allow the
researchers and faculty members of Tashkent State University of Law to study
the best practices of the world in their field, to create innovative
developments and to improve educational programs. This will ultimately improve
the university’s position in international rankings.
The Magna Charta
Universitatum organizes its activities on the basis of a five-year plan,
provides advisory assistance to its members in improving the educational
process, and implements various projects aimed at their cooperation.
5. The European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) has accepted more than 500 higher education institutions from 40 countries in the European Union, the United States and Asia. EURASHE’s mission is to strengthen the impact of innovative, high quality professional higher education and related user-oriented research in Europe by representing professional higher education institutions and facilitating their multi-stakeholder cooperation and dialogue. In doing so, the Association actively organizes events, congresses and training courses, and coordinates international research and development projects in the field of higher education.
In addition, yearly it organizes
conferences and seminars with the participation of heads of educational
institutions, professors, higher education staff, strategic leaders, academics
and students from Europe and abroad to improve the skills of the faculty and
staff of the higher educational institutions.