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Oʼzbekcha Русский
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Barcha o'qituvchilar

Bugungi kunda iniversitet professor-o'qituvchilari tarkibi 309 kishidan(bundan asosiy - 278 ta, ichki o'rindosh - 9 ta, tashqi o'rindsh - 22 ta) iborat bo'lib, shundan ilmiy darajaga ega bo'lganlar soni129 nafarni tashkil etadi

All teachers list | PhD
Familiya ismi sharifi Ilmiy daraja Kafedra >>
Achilova Liliya Ilhomovna PhD Department of Private International Law >>
Akobirova Sarvar Tuyevna PhD Department of Foreign Languages >>
Allanova Azizakhon Avzaxonovna PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Altiyev Razzoq PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Artikov Dilmurod Raxmatillayevich PhD Department of administrative and financial law >>
Bakhramova Mokhinur Bakhramovna PhD Department of Intellectual Property Law >>
Bozorova Nasiba Polotjonovna PhD Department of Uzbek Language and Literature >>
Ermatov Gairatzhon Okmirzaevich PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Fazilov Farkhod Maratovich PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Gafurova Nozimakhon Eldarovna PhD Department of International Law and Human Rights >>
Gulyamova Gulnora Yakubovna PhD Department of Uzbek Language and Literature >>
Khakimov Komil Bakhtiyarovich PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Haqberdiyev Abdumurad Abdusaidovich PhD Department of civil procedural and economic procedural law >>
Karimov Akramjon Zaynobidinovich PhD General sciences and culture department >>
Kurbanov Marufjon Mamadaminovich PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Makhamatov Makhmud Makhamataminovich PhD Department of International Law and Human Rights >>
Narimanov Bekzod Abduvaliyevich PhD Department of constitutional law >>
Nosirxodjayeva Gulnora Abdukaxxarovna PhD General sciences and culture department >>
Qosimov Botirjon Ma'rufjon o'g'li PhD Department of constitutional law >>
Radjapov Husain Muhammad ugli PhD Department of Private International Law >>
Rakhmanov Abdumukhtor Rejjabbaevich PhD Department of International Law and Human Rights >>
Rasulmukhamedova Durdona Tolkundjanovna PhD Department of Uzbek Language and Literature >>
Rasulov Jurabek Abdusamievich PhD Department of International Law and Human Rights >>
Rozimova Qunduz Yuldashevna PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Salimova Iroda Mamayusufovna PhD Department of civil procedural and economic procedural law >>
Sultanova Saboxat Alisherovna PhD Department of Theory of State and Law >>
Sunnatov Vokhid Toshmurodovich PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
To‘raboev Ixtiyorjon Qobilovich PhD Department of administrative and financial law >>
Turdiev Khayitjon Usmankul ugli PhD Department of Theory of State and Law >>
Valijonov Daler Dilshodovich PhD Department of International Law and Human Rights >>
Shuxratjon Xaydarov PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Khujayev Shokhjakhon Akmaljon ugli PhD Department of Intellectual Property Law >>
Xudaybergenov Baxram Kuanishbaevich PhD Department of Criminal Procedure Law >>
Khudaykulov Feruzbek Khurramovich PhD Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption >>
Khujanazarov Azizjon Anvarovich PhD Department of Theory of State and Law >>
Yakubova Iroda Bakhramovna PhD Department of Intellectual Property Law >>
Yuldashov Abdumumin Abdugopirovich PhD Department of Intellectual Property Law >>
Yunusova Minavvarkhon Sabirovna PhD General sciences and culture department >>
Пирматов Отабек Шавкатович PhD Department of civil procedural and economic procedural law >>