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The discussion of Alisher Sattarov's thesis on "Improvement of Mechanisms for the Implementation of the Institute of Rehabilitation in Criminal Proceedings" will be conducted

On September 27, at 15:00 in the lecture hall No. 234 (building 3 of TSUL) a regular meeting of the scientific seminar of the Scientific Council DSc.07/13.05.2020.Yu.22.03 for the awarding of the degree of Doctor of Sciences will be conducted.

At the meeting, there will be discussed the dissertation of an independent candidate of the Higher School of Judges Sattarov Alisher Yarashevich in the specialty 12.00.09 - Criminal Procedure. Criminalistics, Criminal Investigation Law, and Judicial Expertise on the theme "Improvement of Mechanisms of Implementation of the Institute of Rehabilitation in Criminal Proceedings".

The discussion can be attended via the following ZOOM link:



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