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A roundtable discussion on "Education and career in combating money laundering and terrorist financing" was organized at TSUL

As you know, Tashkent State University of Law in cooperation with the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (financial intelligence) of the Russian Federation, the International Network Institute and the International Scientific and Methodological Center for Financial Monitoring (MUMSFM) is conducting "Education and Career" exhibition is being held.

Within the framework of the exhibition, a roundtable discussion was organized on the topic "Education and career in combating money laundering and financingterroristm".

The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Department for Combating Economic Crime under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Jurisprudence under the Government of the Russian Federation, the International Scientific and Methodological Center for Financial Monitoring (MUFSFM), TSUL, professors and teachers of higher education institutions in Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, experts in the field participated.

At the roundtable discussion, the establishment of scientific programs in Uzbekistan's higher educational institutions in the field of combating the legalization of proceeds from criminal activities and the financing of terrorism, the preparation of a textbook on the national system, and the organization of themed lessons on financial security for schoolchildren and the issues of conducting the III International Olympiad on financial security, introducing the "Grafus" educational system into the educational process of higher education institutions of the International Network Institute were discussed.



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